This is the new addition to the Introduction to the Human Body 10th Edition it’s a book that I would highly recommend while in school. This will give you all that you need while taking this course of A&P. Lesson’s with essential information filled in every chapter to help you to succeed in the course. The art in the books compliments the words and descriptions on the pages so well. If you were only to take a glance at the table of contents itself, the area will enlighten you on what you have in store. There are plenty of exciting chapters that your on semester course should be based off. You’ll be getting everything that is needed when choosing this book as your resource. No matter if the teacher is the one needing to use Introduction to the Human Body 10th Edition we make sure it is offered for the student as well. This book is even loaded with the Introduction to chemistry and cells which all courses of A&P usually cover. These chapters are what will get the student ready for the rest of the information your teacher or Instructor will be teaching you about.
Since this is a new edition you will notice that some areas have been updated. You’ll notice that areas about disease, cryolipolysis, epiphyseal plate and the control of the breathing system have been revised and cleaned up around the edges. I know that most people who enjoy the art of photos will enjoy the new photos in the Introduction to the Human Body 10th Edition. Then you have some of the areas that are new all together like clinical connections, Heart illustrations in chapter 15. Also so much of the terminology has been updated which is something most teachers will appreciate.
I’m expecting instructors to take advantage of the Wiley Instructor companion site that you will find under the resources section. It contains a lot of visual course materials to be reviewed and used. Questions and answer keys can be found on this online research based environment for learning and creating assessments to test the students learning patterns and knowledge. You even have a contact point for an represent of Wiley if you have any questions you need answered while using the resource. Introduction To The Human Body 10th Edition Tortora
The student has their share of additional resources out of this book as well. There are plenty of anatomy drill and practice that can be took to sharpen the students knowledge on each subject. The animations range from 2D to 3D to help students get a exceptional visual view on what they are learning about. Its packed with cadaver videos to give you the visual experience from what your learning about. The resource area for a student are well packed with resources to be used by students even when studying with peers. This site offers three different unique purchasing options including E-text, loose leaf or and old fashioned way of reading hard cover for those who enjoy physical hands on books.