Technology and innovation has completely transformed the way we do things

The use of technology and innovation has completely transformed the way we do things. It has impacted heavily on transportation, communication, healthcare and production sectors of the economy. So what about education? Can technology be used to aid the learning process? The answer is a definite yes.

Digital learning refers to a platform that makes use of technology to enhance the productivity of the learning process. This system works in a way that learning is customized and personalized to meet the individual needs of the student. The content absorbed is clear, and it provides for feedback between the student and the instructor.

The Wileyplus learning space represents a perfect example of digital learning. According to its developers, the Wileyplus platform transforms learning into a collaborative and interactive units. So how does it work? First of all, Wileyplus learning space comprises of a unique feature that the tutor uses to assess the proficiency of each student. This tool informs the instructor on each student needs, therefore, contributing to the development of a teaching approach.

Through Wileyplus, the teachers can proceed to organize learning activities. These activities can first take place in the group setting and eventually narrowing down to individual students. The element of customization and personalization comes into play here. The students know already what areas to improve. It also features the added advantage of facilitating the discussions and sharing of ideas among students.

The other key feature of the Wileyplus learning space lies in monitoring and evaluation tools. Since very lesson and activity is mapped and recorded, reports are regularly generated. From these reports, all the stakeholders involved in the learning process evaluate their progress. This process leads to the identification and improvement of weak study areas. This component goes to show the thoroughness of the Wileyplus digital learning platform.

The teaching and learning processes have always been opposites. The thing with Wileyplus is that incorporates the actual technicalities of both constants while identifying effective ways to mitigate the negative elements. In the end, both learning and teaching are harmonized to the level where they’re complete synergy and maximum productivity. Testaments to this, teachers using the program find it easier to monitor, motivate and evaluate larger groups of students. Students, on the other hand, accelerate their learning process by working on weak areas and accessing a broad base of content and teaching aid.

There are multiple benefits attached the use of Wileyplus learning space. Tutors and learners alike are assured that the quality of the content improves their understanding and coherence of topics. Secondly, Wileyplus responds to the various learning styles of students. It adopts the extensive use of visual teaching aids such as diagrams and charts to make sure the message is understood. Thirdly, the platform encourages independence as well as collaboration and partnerships. Students can log in and access learning content from their homes and holiday camps. It is also possible to engage in group discussions virtually on the program. Weak learners find it easier seeking the help of their fellow mates.

Bellzon admin

Bellzon admin