The real masters of their craft are as beautiful as the designer renovation of the premium class, as well as inexpensive budgetary repairs. On how to beautifully renovate the apartment with the help of experienced professionals, read our article.
The fact that a country house requires attention is known to any owner. Over time, various problems and shortcomings become obvious, there is an elementary desire to make changes in the interior. But where to start the repair of the country house? The right answer will help to find professional advice, presented in our article.
Proceeding to the renovation of a house in Melbourne, the owner is free from a number of restrictions inherent in the apartment issue, in particular:
- conversions can affect not only individual rooms inside the building, but also the exterior finish;
- the duration and schedule of work is determined by the capabilities and wishes of the owner – the absence of neighbors allows you to begin renovation s at any time, to carry them out without stopping the legislation;
- building materials can be purchased in advance and left in the yard, which is very convenient, given the fluctuations in prices.
What to start renovating a country house: inspection and analysis
Any country house has its own specifics. Determine the necessary amount of work in a particular situation will help to inspect the building from the inside and outside. Pay special attention to the state of electrical wiring and utilities. Record all detected damage. So you will be able to decide how significant will be the repair of the country house and with what it should start.
Planning to renovation the house, consider the seasonality of the work. Thus, in summer it is advisable to engage in repairing the roof and fixing problems in the heating system, and interior decoration in the presence of space heating can be moved to the end of autumn or winter.
After assessing the condition of the house and analyzing your own abilities you will understand the nature of the renovation , which determines the need for building materials, the cost of money and time. In terms of complexity, renovations can be divided into the following types:
- Major. The scope of work includes replacing window and door units, roofing, utilities, dismantling old floors, flooring new coatings, restoration of the foundation, decoration and insulation of the facade.
- Cosmetic. Supposes elimination of minor damages, decorative finishing of surfaces in premises.
- Evroremont. Cardinal transformation of space, beginning with development of a design project. All works and choice of materials are performed in accordance with modern European requirements and norms
If financial resources are limited, it is worth starting a combined type of renovation. It includes urgent capital work, as well as interior decoration and facade renovation, which will transform the country house, without requiring a significant investment.
Take the desired result as a basis for planning the renovation . It is even better if your ideas will be transferred to paper. Thanks to the visualization, it will be easier to stick to your goal. Knowing what the result should be, you can start to make a plan.
Keep in mind that construction equipment needs to provide free passage to the site. This detail often escapes the attention of developers and is hardly known to the owner of a country house. Building materials are undesirable to damage and contamination, so consider in advance the possibility of their delivery directly to the place of renovation .
Plan and stages of home renovation in Melbourne
Drawing up a detailed work plan with an indication of the sequence of actions, calculations, materials required at each stage, other important information, the homeowner facilitates further work.
Typically, the sequence of actions is as follows:
- Preparation;
- Measurements;
- Drawing up an estimate;
- Purchase of materials;
- Repairing individual rooms in the house.
The main objectives that are pursued at the stage of preparation for the renovation of a country house – the choice of stylistic solutions, the creation of a design project, the selection of appropriate materials, the search for a reliable construction company. Working with a professional team of specialists will help to significantly speed up the renovation and improve its quality.
Self-employment helps to save money if the time allows and have the appropriate working skills. More often than not, we can only talk about actions that do not require qualifications. But it is definitely necessary when carrying out major repairs or euro-renovation . In most cases, working alone significantly increases the timing of execution and the risk of mistakes.
At the next stage, the necessary measurements are taken, an estimate is made. It is important to measure as accurately as possible, because in accordance with the data obtained will be calculated the required amount of building materials. Measurements are also needed when relocating or expanding doorways and redevelopment, if we are talking about major renovations.
Materials for renovation of a country house
When the type of renovation is determined, proceed to the selection of materials, the calculation of their required quantity and making a list of tools and necessary devices.
Acrylic or latex coating – an opportunity to economically update the facades of a wooden house. The material will cost you from 3000 rubles to 13 000 rubles per 10 liters, but you will not only protect the surface from the adverse effects of the climate, but also manage to preserve the texture of wood.
House of rounded logs or timber is treated with impregnation after preliminary preparation. Start the renovation of such a structure should be filled with seams and gaps between the crowns. With the task well cope with jute fiber, flax matting or sealant on a polymer basis.
Exterior walls of a cottage made of blocks or bricks can be treated, using acrylic or silicone paint for exterior work. The additional use of a primer allows you to reliably protect the facade, improve its adhesion and reduce the cost of the finish coat.
With what to begin renovations inside the country house
The sequence of internal works affects the quality and timing of the result. The following order should be adhered to:
- Remove all furniture from the room;
- securely cover those interior items that remain in the room to be repaired;
- Remove old coatings and elements;
- To carry out replacement or renovation of windows;
- replace the communications and wiring;
- prepare the surfaces for further work.
- proceed to the renovation of the ceiling;
- install switches and outlets;
- to perform the laying of flooring;
- install doors;
- to carry out the necessary work on the walls;
- install baseboards and casings.
- Decorative painting;
- Making a mosaic panel;
- Finishing with flexible stone;
- Decorative plaster;
- Installation of natural stone.
Recommendations: Pay special attention to the condition of the floor. Thoroughly inspect it, determine which beams are rotten and must be replaced, find damaged or deformed parts of the flooring. Work with laminate and parquet is simplified by the special design of the materials themselves, allowing you to easily remove individual elements. As for the floor made of natural wood, similar work will require careful loosening of fasteners with a nailer. Gaps between the boards are filled with putty or synthetic cord impregnated with PVA glue.
Finishing the walls – a set of works, which should begin closer to the completion of renovation . A specific list of actions will depend on the type of material chosen by the owner of the country house. All actions should be carried out according to a certain plan.
The following finishing options are the most popular:
These types of building materials require knowledge and skills in their use. That is why high-quality renovations and an attractive look of a country house are the work of professionals. More simple options for finishing today are wallpapering and installation of plastic and MDF panels.
Installation of platbands and floor plinths completes the renovation work. But we should not forget: the redevelopment of a country house should begin with a preliminary coordination of actions with the relevant authorities. This will require the preparation of a package of documents.
The house can be updated without major renovations, though, we are only talking about the interior environment. By choosing bright and matching textile décor elements, curtains and furniture covers, pillows, blankets and the like, you can transform the rooms beyond recognition. By rearranging and carefully selecting accessories, you will complete the creation of the interior, and properly placed light sources will effectively emphasize the changes you have made.